Wednesday 19 September 2012

Leagality of Falkito checked by MLM Lawyer Kevin Thompson

Legality of Falkito.

There is an e-mail officially written by Falkito’s creator:
The question is, is Falkito legal? People asking me that every day.
First we are not offering that kind of “investment” that you can buy bids and you can give them to the people outside and for that you got a profit, falkito is NOT doing this businessmodel and we are far away from that. Thats why we asked Kevin Thompson MLM lawyer check our legality!

The only thing we have in common is that we also use pennyauctions also to make money. Every client who buy more than 99 bids will be a partner and as a partner you will take part on the commisions. Additional to that a partner will get debitcard, account and a commsion from new buys of new partners. So it’s anyway a good deal to be a partner.

I really created a system, what makes success possible for everyone. Everyone can use the internal system to advertise and get new clients or partners, this system is so easy to use, that everybody can do it.

The other system is just sharing the income of the Falkito advertising to the partners in equal parts, but this money is paid in a total seperate plan, in the 2×12 matrix. This money is totaly independent from the payments for bids that new partners paid. Even without getting new partners the advertise income is increasing because one main part is the cost free auction buy sell plattform and all partners are also part of this. The income will even grow if we don´t get new partners and this is a sign for a legal system.

If you are a lawer and you know more about this things, feel free to discuss this with skype support it’s falkitospeedhelp skypename, we are open to help you and also to discuss everything or figure out some other ways or even new ways. We all have one common target to make Falkito running for a long term and in this stage the Falkito system is 100% legal.

Yours Thorsten Albers
Creator and CEO of Falkito, Inc.


  1. I have been retained by Falkito. However, I am not the author of the above referenced email. Based on how you have the signature written, it looks like I'm an owner / author. It says "Yours Kevin Thompson" and then says Creator/CEO. Could you please make it more clear? Also, thanks for the link to my page. It would be great if you could you use "MLM lawyer" as the anchor text instead of "Kevin Thompson." Take care and best of luck.

    1. Your famous man everyone want to see Your name, i hope its fixed right!

  2. Very good, yes, someone added Kevins Name instead of mine as "CEO" so this was a misstake, i am the CEO.

    1. Hey Albers!
      Sorry about post! How is the company in pre-launch phase...?
      Which date You expect to launch Falkito?
      All the best, hope we do lots of sales!
